
Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucosal lining of the stomach; the exact cause depends on the type of gastritis.

What causes gastritis?

  • Poor or imbalanced diet
  • A weakening of the immune system brought about by smoking or alcohol abuse as well as lasting
  • Unresolved stress

Signs and Symptoms

  • Abdominal pain (i.e. belly pain or stomach ache) and pain behind the sternum (in the centre of the chest) which are often misdiagnosed as occurring for some other reason are some of the primary symptoms of gastritis.
  • Another symptom is abdominal pain that improves after eating and then later returns, perhaps even more severely.
  • Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting can all be signs of gastritis.
  • To prevent and treat gastritis and peptic ulcers, a light and wholesome diet is best. This differs from a normally wholesome and balanced diet in that some foods and drinks which may strain the digestive system are left out.

Food to limit/avoid:

Beverages to be avoided if you have gastritis or peptic ulcers

  • alcohol
  • coffee
  • carbonated drinks like mineral water or colas
  • lemonade
  • any drinks served very cold



Foods to be avoided if you have gastritis or peptic ulcers

  • Milk products

A proper diet for the treatment of gastritis or ulcers should not include whole milk, cream or sour cream with a fat content of over 20% as well as any fermented milk products. In addition you should avoid high-fat cheeses (over 45%) and blue cheese (ripened) varieties such as Gorgonzola, Roquefort and Camembert.

  • Meats

For those who suffer with gastritis or peptic ulcers (and anyone who wants to be more healthy) fatty, smoked or cured meats should be left out of the diet. Additionally spicy roasted meats, meats prepared along with bacon, naturally high-fat meats like goose or duck, and higher-fat animal parts in general (e.g. skin) as well as any type of sausage should all be avoided.

  • Fish

Types of fish like eel, herring and salmon as well as smoked fish of any sort, dried or otherwise preserved fish or fish products

  • Bread and baked goods

Eliminate fresh bread and baked goods as well as coarse whole grain bread, fresh pastries, high-fat baked goods like éclairs and doughnuts from the diet if you currently have gastritis or ulcers (as well as after the symptoms have subsided).

  • Potatoes and vegetables

Avoid any potato dishes which have been prepared using oil, including chips (French fries, pommes frites, wedges, etc.) and crisps (i.e. potato chips) if you have gastritis or an ulcer (and in general). Also potato salad containing bacon, mayonnaise or excessive oil should not be part of your diet. There are also several types of vegetable which are difficult to digest: cabbage, leeks, onions, mushrooms, peppers, olives, pickles, cucumber, horseradish and beans. These should be left out of your diet, as well as any vegetable salads which have mayonnaise or other sauces which are high in fat.

  • Fruits and Nuts

Good nutrition for gastritis and ulcer sufferers does not include unripe fruit, raw drupes (i.e. fruits with a pit like cherries and plums), nuts of any kind as well as almonds and pistachios and avocados.

  • Candy

Sweets and sugar in general should not be part of your diet if you have gastritis and/or an ulcer as well as

  • Spices

Especially those which have been dried or are in powdered form.

What not to include in your diet if you suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcers

As noted above, you should avoid all fats (including high-fat soups or sauces) both during and after your gastritis/ulcer treatment. Hard-cooked eggs and any other high-fat food which contains eggs (such as mayonnaise) should not be part of your diet. Don’t eat roasted, fried or grilled foods and avoid foods which were prepared using bacon or onion.

Food to take: 

It is advisable to take food you can tolerate. i.e. foods and drinks which do not lead to diarrhoea, the build-up of uncomfortable gas, abdominal pain or nausea. They are:

  • Light wholesome foods 

Which are low in fat, mild in taste, lean and properly prepared.

  • Dairy products 

Such as yoghurt are effective against gastritis as they inhibit the reproduction of the H. pylori bacteria.

  • Easily digestible vegetables 

Such as carrots, fennel, turnips, cauliflower, green peas, beans, tomatoes, zucchini and green leafy salad.

  • For seasoning you should try to include freshly dried spices, mild vinegar (e.g. balsamic), lemon juice and a little salt.
  • Natural sweeteners

Jams, marmalades and honey are the best

  • Drinks include any sort of tea, mild coffee, grain coffee, mineral water without gas, vegetable juices as well as diluted fruit juices.


1. Eat several small meals rather than a few large meals.

2. Try to take your time when you eat – don’t rush!

3. Chew thoroughly.

4. Avoid eating foods that are either too hot or too cold.

5. Regularly take s vitamin supplement, in particular vitamin B12, and detoxify the digestive system. In addition, fasting (e.g. juice fasting) can be beneficial for the body as natural vitamins and minerals can better be absorbed without the strain placed on the stomach by carbohydrates.


  • Boiling, steaming or baking in foil is recommended.
  • Use a ceramic saucepan or a coated non-stick pan or saucepan.
  • The oven or microwave are both suitable depending on the container you’re using, but remember to avoid using fats.
  • Please keep in mind that a more wholesome diet such as the one outlined above does not have a direct therapeutic effect in the treatment of gastritis or ulcers, rather it is more tolerable for the digestive system and so easier to metabolise. In addition, food sensitivities can vary greatly from person to person. Initially when you adopt such a new diet, you may suffer with a bit of gas or other digestive problems. We advise that you consult your physician and/or a qualified nutritionist. It’s also very important to remember that a reduction in stress as well as a balanced lifestyle which includes some physical activity are essential in the treatment of such disorders of the digestive system.

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