Examination of a Patient

Before prescribing a diet, it is protocol to examine the patient beforehand. Below, is a set of guidelines to follow:

  • Basics
  1. Name
  2. Age
  3. Date of admission
  4. Diagnosis (if the patient knows)
  5. Type of surgery (if it was done)
  6. Postoperative day (when surgery was done)
  • Complaints
Detailed evaluation of basic complains should be done thoroughly reflecting character, localisation, irradiation, provoking and relieving factors, etc. (eg. what causes pain?, how long pain lasts?, what makes it better or worse?)
Ask the patients if they have (had) the following symptoms:
  1. vomiting
  2. diarrhea
  3. thirst
  • Examination on vital signs
  1. pulse rate
  2. respiratory rate
  3. blood pressure
  4. urine output
  5. mucous membrane
  6. capillary refilling time
  7. skin moisture and turgor
  • Check if the function of Gastrointestinal tract is normal
  1. bowel peristalsis (auscultation)
  2. flatus
  3. stool

After examination, you would then be able to prescribe a diet for your patient. For example:

  1. NPO (nil per os)
  2. clear liquid
  3. full liquid
  4. soft
  5. regular
  6. low sodium
  • Daily water requirements
Prescription of water  depends on body mass. 35ml of water is prescribed per kg weight. Route, depending on the condition of the patient, could be orally or parenterally. 

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